Wow, cool, can you please take a photo / scan that for me??I found an ad in an old 'fast car' mag from about 10 years ago and it was for sale in there, im sure it was 12 grand. no idea what happened to the car though but it did seem to be up for sale every other week, must have had about 20 owners by now :lol:
They guy thats being talked about sold the car to a roy archer in london. He sold it to yumen lai, who brought it up to sotland and I bought it from him, I had it for 2 years or so, pampered it and fitted a cage + buckets, everything else was done by a chap in milton keynes it had £15000 spent on it.
I wish I never sold the car, I sold it november 2008 I think it was? It went to aberdeen then it had loads of owners in quick sucsession, 2 x in aberdeen , dundee, wales and last knowen whereabouts is watford, off the road.

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