can anyone tell me what like a job it go to be. i have had a look but i can not see anything. thanks
gsikevin said:can anyone tell me what like a job it go to be. i have had a look but i can not see anything. thanks
PMSL!Odin said:Yes you lay your head on a block of wood and get a good friend to chop it off with a sharp Axe ;-) .
I hope that helped matey.
yes sorry cylinder head, uprating to a matal one thanksneil240z said:i cant understand anything here!
do you want elaborate a little more, is cyc cylinder head??
if so then tell us why you want to do it, a fault? uprating to a metal one?
once you get all the cr@p out of the way thats bolted to it its not actually that hard tbh, its only a few nuts and bolts and she's off..neil240z said:with all due respect, unless you know what your doing its not a job to be taken lightly.
gcse in english language:lol:gsikevin said:ok thanks i got it fixs now it wos 1 of the rocker lol
north of scotlandgtir_pimp said:where the hell is lossiemouth?!
ye highlands post code iv31 look on a map lolneil240z said:is that in the highlands where Connor Mcloud comes from??