cracking gearboxes



yeah sorry chaps
been upto my neck with work lately and havent had time to get these things finished, and need to make a few alterations aswell.
soon as i got my backlog cleared then i will get these finished, as my car needs one before its all bolted back up.

once i have the first one correct, the others will be fairly easy!


nope no news or anything!
just havent had time lately to get this sorted out.
its gonna be in the new year now before i get round to it.
will let everyone know when there done and tested


New Member
omg i was sat here reading through the first page thinking.. I could have sworn this was covered years ago looool. You went a pulled up an old thread lol.

I saw someone use cuffs but I don't know the end result, but it looks really nice :cool: LOL


Active Member
Yeah, I almost felt guilty for dragging it out in the open again, but I found it while looking for other things.. :D


well if you wanna know the truth the prototype one i made is still sitting in the workshop lol.

i was gonna go ahead with these but something bad happened.....we got very busy fixing cars as well as breaking them:lol: so had no time to continue with these!

it was also pointed out to me that even if i did manage to stop the rear casing from splitting open the input shaft could very likely end up going through the bellhousing side of the box as the torque would merely be transferred to the next weakest point in the casing (being the front end) that i could do nothing about.

these things would still have been a good idea in some respects as at least you wouldnt lose your expensive quaife gearset down the track but does that warrant me going ahead and getting a revised mould made up:?
i may still get one for my own car made up, but there again i dont launch it anyway so im unlikely to break the rear casing

il see what happens when i have more time, i may then look into getting it made to fit this time round, it definately wont do any harm but wont stop shaft popping through the other end!