cracking gearboxes



i think i may have had a brilliant idea to stop our gearbox casings cracking, which would be very cheap and very effective, infact so simple i cant understand why no one else has thought of it before:-D will use my quaiffe as a prototype for my theory, if the answers and hopefully photos, are what i suspect!!!

first of all, can someone post up some photos of one or a few thats been cracked (oosids) will do for starters!
i need to know where they crack (understand its the end cover)?
and why they crack? is it that the casing is not thick enogh, or that play in the end bearing causes the cracking with shaft movement!

more info please chaps


New Member
As far as i know and have gathered from peoples experiences it seems to be mainly the end casing of the box and as you say as a result of play in the bearing causing movement in the shaft and pushing a nice hole through the end of the casing.

I dont have any pics as *touch wood* i have not had the pleasure of this experience yet.

So what is this cunning plan you have or are you keeping it under your hat so you can exploit us all :lol: ;-)

Would be great to stop this.



Active Member
I will take a few pics later of mine,thats if i can fined the bits.
I think mine blew the main shaft bearing out the end then the main shaft and input shaft sort of pushed apart causing more damage.


Active Member
Ok some pics,as normal the pics i have took are crap:oops:very crap :lol: i think the lens is dirty or i have fooked the camara:lol: ;-) Also i could not fined the bits of the side of the casing as i must of left them on the road in disgust:evil:
Pic of the casing
Few of pics where the end bit broke off
The end bits
I think the end is where it all starts, the rest of the damage to the side of the box is just from where the gears/shafts have come unmeshed and jumped apart? killing the rest of the casing and damaging 95% of the gears in the box:cry:
There is also a pic of another box here in the gallery
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thanks for the photos:thumbsup:

it seems to me that the input shaft is being forced back under extreme load (as in 00sids car) which causes the end casing to crack.
i originally thought it could have been the entire casing which split, but from the photos and as gtirx has pointed out its the end bit which goes first, then the complete gearset gets thrown around the box.

so in this case i think my little cunning plan will work better than a brace and will cost under a tenner to do
and if it works will save a whole lot of people a lot of money!

but the trouble is that you wont really know if it works or not! unless the end plate breaks, then you can safely say it doesnt work:lol: :lol:

will do mine this week before fitting the quaiffe,also this mod can be carried out without removing your box;-)


im just amazed that no one else has thought of it. sometimes people look to deeply and simple cheap ideas are the best;-)

when ive done my box, i will take some photos before fitting it back, then you will all see what i mean.
it will be better than si's brace, stronger than cryotreating and a doddle to do for even the most useless diy bods:lol: :lol:

no doubt i will be mocked by many, as with the valve clearance / shimming thread! but then people will be pming me asking me how to do it:lol:
im 100% confident my little idea will solve this problem once and for all, but unfortunately i wont be able to prove it, only time and severe gearbox punishment will tell!

i may even patent my idea and sell my product worldwide and then be as rich as you rishi:p :p


Staff member
Is it a block of wood under the accelrator? ;-)

Sounds interesting Bobby, I hope it works for all our sakes.


New Member
campbellju said:
Is it a block of wood under the accelrator? ;-)
Great idea, i bet he wished he thought of that one:lol: :lol:

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campbellju said:
Is it a block of wood under the accelrator? ;-)

Sounds interesting Bobby, I hope it works for all our sakes.
has anyone got a end casing i can nick off them?
if not then i will just use one from one of my other gearboxes!

ive had an even better idea now based on my original plan which will make it even stronger still.
il pm you jim with some photos when ive done the first one, to run it by you and see what you think, as i trust your judgement;-)


steve963 said:
will pulsar boby become a GTIR God


will he look like a failed inventor on Dragons Den
only time will tell steve:lol:

what i need is to give one of my gizmo's to one of the high powered drag strip boys to fit, to really get a true answer as to whether it works or not, someone like 00sid thats really going to put the box under extreme loads! hes not frightened to drive his car to the limit and thats what i need!

problem with my car is that because it will just be a circuit car, its not really going to be launched other than the start of a race! but it will be thrashed very hard through the gears, so dont really know if thats going to be a true reflection or not as to whether it works.

only time and lots of harsh punishment will tell;-)


New Member
id be very impressed if the solution to the broken gearboxes can be resolved so easily, plus it would be good to see how it compares in both track and drag situations!