Paul: Sounds like you're doing well with the software. That was a cool idea with the COM port stuff. I really have to get into that side of things. I'm so slack and my GF seems to take up all my time at the moment. Next weekend I'm heading down to Brisbane to see my auntie and uncle who are coming over from England, so I probably won't be around much for 2 weeks. After that I'll get into it. The USB board shouldn't take me long to do. I've found a USB module that comes with drivers so it acts as a virtual COM port in Windows. That means it will work with Conzult and other software that uses the COM port by itself. Once I have the USB thingy working, my mate will get onto it and try and arrange to get some boards manufactured. He has a nice laptop with USB, so that will be useful. I actually started making an adapter so I can plug a network cable into the COM port and run it out to the car. This means I can have the board plugged into the car and program it inside the house
For my PhD I will be developing a wireless device that should operate at distances up to 10km. Hmmmm that could make development even easier

Could also be used as a track side data logger, but that's a long, LONG way off. My hardware skills are way better than my software skills. My mate is a programmer, so that could be useful

I'm now using Linux, so development can be a bit sped up

I don't wanna lock it into Linux though. My mate was talking about using Java, because it can be ported to any platform. Problem is that it's so slow.
I can test your software for you if you want. My email addy is
As for your hardware. Mine didn't work at first. My problem was with the MAX232 device. I had some of the pins hooked up wrongly and some of the capacitors backwards. It is very important that you use polar capacitors and make sure they are the correct way around and specified in the data sheet for the MAX232. I tested mine by hooking it up to a 12V source and applying either 12V or 5V at certain points around the circuit. If you apply 5V before the transistor then you should get 12V out to the ECU and if you apply 12V on the input from the ECU you should get 5V out. Then apply 5V on the T1IN line of the MAX232 and you should get a certain voltage on the T1OUT line (can't remember what voltage, have to look up RS232 standrad) and vice-versa. Once it works you should be able to fire up the free version of Conzult and it should work

If it comes up with ECCS not responding, then it's not working properly.
Oh yeah, I have also tested this with COnzult on my mates R32 GTS-T and it worked perfectly
Simon (sorry about the llong post)