Clutch, Rattle and Whine!



I get this rattly/whiny noise which is present at idle but when you press the clutch down it disappears. The rattly noise gets slightly quieter as the car warms up. I also get a rattly noise as I drive off at low revs. As the car goes above 2000 revs the noise stops. This only happens in the first and second gears.

I have done a search on this and the Input Shaft Bearing seems to be the culprit, however 2 mechanics have told me it is the Thrust Release Bearing :?

I have a few questions...

1. Which bearing is it?
2. Does a Thrust Release Bearing come with a new Clutch Kit?
3. How much is each bearing and has anyone got the part numbers?
4. Will the rattle at idle be a different cause to the rattle when accelrating
at low revs
5. What happens if I leave it too long?

In any case I have decided to replace my clutch with a Helix Organic.

Thanks for your help and I apologise for the lengthy post.

Hope to hear from you soon :)


Active Member
whiny noise at idle that goes when you depress the clutch is the clutch release bearing. Yes most clutch kits come with a new one of these. Leave it too long it will collapse entirely and may do damage to the clutch / flywheel, but will definitely leave you stranded :)

They tend to be noisy for ages before they finally explode.

The rattle pulling off at low revs...... dunno really but Input Shaft sounds plausible.

Easy answer - don't pull off under 2000 rpm :lol: :lol:

GeeTee 8)



I was always under the impression if you get a noise when depress (press down) the clutch, then your Clutch Release Bearing is faulty.
A noise when the clutch is up (not depressed) indicates a worn Input Shaft Bearing or according to 2 mechanics, the Thrust Release Bearing.

Please correct me if I am wrong :wink:


Active Member
Thrust Release Bearing <> Clutch Release Bearing.... same thing isn't it?

I may be talking out of my arse though :lol:

Just from experience though, I've had a few cars that had noise with the clutch not depressed that went away when you depressed the clutch. Changed the clutch and release bearing - no more noise.

Never had to change bearings on an Input Shaft so I dunno...




thats what was happening to me but the next night i had no clutch at all ??? and i still dont know what is wrong

i had new cltch , flywheel and release bearing 5 weeks ago less than 1000 miles now its off the road again ?? :cry:


if it makes noise on idle with the clutch up-its the input shaft bearings, if it makes the noise at idle when you put the clutch down-its the release bearing.
trust me, im a mechanic, and have had this prob on mine! :twisted:

it will go on for ages and become VERY noisy b4 it does go, so dont worry too much, its not that urgent if its not really noisy.

the noise will still occur when driving as the input shaft is always turning, it goes away when you put the clutch down as the clutch disconnects the engine fom the gbox.

hope this helps. :wink:



Thanks Toady.

How many Input Shaft Bearings are there? :oops: (Need to order it from Nissan).

Is a Clutch Release Bearing different from a Thrust Release Bearing?

I am looking to get my clutch replaced soon and have decided to go with the Helix Organic.

It says the ckit comes with a release bearing but which one is it?

Anything else I should replcace whilst getting the clutch done?

Thanks again guys :)


Re: ...

hmmm said:
How many Input Shaft Bearings are there? :oops: (Need to order it from Nissan). not too sure as i cant remember sorry, but if you get to a nissan dealer thats willing to help you then they can see on their parts info how many there are,only 2 or 3 i think? but not too sure. :roll:

Is a Clutch Release Bearing different from a Thrust Release Bearing? -no theyre the same thing just the way some people call them.
I am looking to get my clutch replaced soon and have decided to go with the Helix Organic.

It says the ckit comes with a release bearing but which one is it? - if its the kit for the r it'll be the one u need. :wink:

Anything else I should replcace whilst getting the clutch done? best to get the flywheel face skimmed, poss lighten and re-balance it at the same time too. 8)

Thanks again guys :)