Clutch problem



This is for a mate who doesn't get on here very often.

He recently had an AP organic clutch fitted to his car (far too heavy for my tastes, but there you go) and while it was fine for a while he started getting problems changing gear, like the hydraulic system was losing pressure. I checked his car and there are no signs of leaks anywhere, both the master and slave cylinders seem fine and the flexi hose is dry. However, taking the cap off to the cltch fluid reservoir I immediately spotted the fluid was almost black and very cloudy. We bled the system after flushing new fluid though it and it was fine for a couple of days. However, the clutch started dragging again and the new fluid turned black almost straight away. He's had another mate look at it, who has tested the flexi hose for expansion, but he couldn't spot anything. His mate also flushed the system again, but now reports the biting point is as soon as the clutch pedal comes off the carpet, which wasn't the case before.

Anyone got any other ideas, as we're a bit stuck and are getting sick of being told the clutch fork is bent (which we both think is very unlikely)?


i've just had an ap in mine and the clutch bites as soon as i lift the pedal dosn't black fluid indicate worn seals check for fluid coming down the pedal


We have looked for all signs of external leaks (down the pedal, around the slave etc.) but there is nothing. The level doesn't drop, just the fluid turns black.

We have been told internal seals may have gone, so fluid is moving aound inside the system and we're not getting full pressure. However, we have also been told by a Nissan technician that this theory is rubbish, any seal leak would result in external signs, i.e. fluid down the pedal.

The AP did bite low before, but now it's really the instant the pedal moves instead of giving the samll amount of travel first it used to have.


I had exactly the same problem....changed the slave cylinder and it has been fine ever since. I put it down to a worn cylinder/seals etc letting a slight bit od air in.

Mine was 100 % fine until I fitted my clutch aswell :wink:


Excellent, we've been wondering what part to change first, as we figured it had to be the slave, master or flexi pipe. As you've had the same problem, I'll get my mate to order a slave cylinder.

Cheers Jase!

Fast Guy

Staff member
J-GTi-R said:
However, we have also been told by a Nissan technician that this theory is rubbish, any seal leak would result in external signs, i.e. fluid down the pedal.
I'd disagree with that, I've had a brake master clyinder go before (on another car) and it was all internal, the pedal just got nearer and nearer the floor till I had no brakes :shock: No external leak of any kind, I'd guess the oil was getting past the seals on the cylinder internally.


i noticed that on a few of my mates bangers (nissan bluebirds) the clutch slave cylinder is EXACTLY the same as the one fitted to the R :wink:


The slave cylinder is the easiest to replace aswell.....I originally changed my master cylinder as it was full of black fluid but it turned out to be the slave :oops:


Mine does the same. The only leak I could find was on the flexi pipe, so I swapped it for one of Skiddus' braided ones, changed the fluid and it still does it. Level doesn't change, just fluid goes black. Let us know if changing the slave cylinder sorts it out. :D


We're going to test the master cylinder on the week-end (Kyepan's Dad gave me some great tips on what and how to check last night), most likely replace the slave cylinder first, as it's the easiest to do. I'll report back on what we find.

Brett G

I don't know a great deal about this system as luckily mine has been ok so far but an internal leak in the master or the slave cylinder sounds very likely i.e. causing fluid to pass the piston seals, would've thought causing blackening (seal deterioration) and big efficiency drop as the fluid that's supposed to push the piston just goes round it, past the seals and back to the return side!? If this is the problem then if you press the clutch pedal down real slow then it may not even move the clutch (or not as much as it should) or if you push it down half way and hold it then you may even see the master cylinder rod being pushed back slowly as the fluid escapes past the piston, it would also be very spungy!???
If this is whats wrong then in the past maybe the wrong fluid was used, or just ageing seals!
Hope this helps


Thanks for all the help and suggestions guys, unfortunately (very much unfortunately :( :( ) we never got as far as checking the slave or master cylinder as the car was stolen on Thursday night from the garage the car was at. It was definitely stolen to order as it wasn't drivable (clutch wasn't working and the battery was flat), they must have towed it away.

Obviously my mate is very upset, but if anyone knows of a black 'R on 17in Kahn RSR lookalikes being offered in or around the Slough area let me know. A long shot, as we're both pretty sure it was stolen for parts... :(


Cheers Frank,

You're probably more likely to be offered the parts, so let me know if any of your contacts gets offered an cheap GTi-R engine, box etc...

Apparently the owner of the garage was asked a couple of weeks ago by some dodgy-looking young guys if he knew of any cheap black or grey Pulsars around as they had a crashed one and wanted to get a spare to fix it up. A couple of weeks later my mate's car goes missing out of the back of the garage and no other car was touched...

Brett G

Thats shocking and I'm gutted for your friend :cry: B******S!!! :x I live next to Heathrow which isn't far so I'll keep my eyes/ears open