clutch pedal sticking??


Active Member
Hi ppl just quick question when i depress the clutch pedal sometimes the pedal doesnt come back up and it stays in gear if i press it a few times it pops out again any idea why this is doing this ? quite scarey sometimes, i drifted into a big ass curb cos of it sticking and not being able to change gear (or just sh1te at drifting !!)and bent my L/ rear suspension damper dam those big ass curbs you could have two curb stones if you cut them in half what a money waste dam counil ! curbs on the road should be like on a race track. ramble over. oh yeah clutch sticking any one any idea ??

Hope nothing major just bought 4 new wheels and tyres and tein coilovers.


Could be one of a few things..

Clutch master cylinder gone (you will see fluid on the pedal)
Clutch slave cylinder gone (Fluid tends to leak down the front of the gear box)
Clutch fluid leak. (one of the pipes, slave or master cyliner gone.. see above)
knackered old clutch fluid (it will be black and manky. also caused by cylinder seals going)
pedal box removing itself from the bulkhead (Creakin clicking noises)

:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:



The clutch system could just need topping up and bleeding. Thats the cheapest thing to try first :)


Active Member
how come when you just spend $6000 on suspension and wheels something always seems to go wrong. i love my R !!!