Clutch pedal mounting bracket..



Hi all..
Not really been on this forum much but I could do with some help so thought you'd be the best place to start.
From what I've seen around it seems like a very comon problem.
The clutch has developed a nasty creaking sound under foot and I suspected it may be on its way to breaking but I've had a good look and can't see a crack anywhere..
Can anyone describe where it usually cracks and how it it is normaly repaired.

Thanks alot


It usually cracks where the top pedal box mount is, where the bolt goes thru. The best way to see it is to remove the speedo, its behind there. Its the bit that holds the captive nut for the pedal box bolt that snaps off, not the end that is welded to the car.
To fix them you have to weld them, which i can do without taking the dash out, PM me if interested.
If you spens a while searching this site and others youll find loads of stuff on it.


Thanks alot Jay, will check it over the week end and get a better picture.
Whereabouts R U. I know quite a few welders that could do the job but unfortunatly they're all where I work and it's a bit difficult to sneak a car in amongst the Turbines :( , so I may be interested in your offer.....

Thanks again