clutch pedal clicking getting worse!


Jonny H

my clutch pedal used to click once when i pushed it down but now its doing it up to 4times everytime. I brought a clutch support bracket which helped for the first week or so but the noise is back again? How do i fix this and how serious is it? :cry:


New Member
i had this and eventually it snapped, you may need to have it welded, torque sport in surrey can do it. they charged a reasonable ammount considering they have to take the dash out.

also pm mattygtir as he is currently looking into this prob too.


New Member
alright jon

pop over mate, if you can will show u what happens if it does go :cry:

lots of $ when it goes

i think the combination of track days/ap paddle clutch and an early car with no support bracket did it :(

:roll: :cry: :cry:

Jonny H

im worried now! :lol: :? just checked the pedal out, when i push it down it clicks after about a cm, then seems fine, sometimes clicks in exactly the same spot when the pedal is released! HOWEVER........ after about 30mins of driving, it starts clicking further down too! Where is the weak spot on the pedals? is it visible by looking up at the pedals from the footwell?


New Member
with mine just shone a torch down the footwell (well up actually) and followd the peddle soon could feel how badly ithad gone :(


My clutch pedal was making a loud clicking/creaking noise for months, I was convinced it would give in at any sec :shock:, and was anticipating being stranded whenever I drove for more than 10m. I made up a pedal support bracket myself which helped a bit, but the noise was still there.
I also had fluid leaking into the footwell from around the master cylinder seal.
When I eventually got round to replacing the master cylinder I removed the dash to check the pedal mounting bracket, turns out it was OK.
All I'm saying is in my case the noise turned out to be the master cylinder, so it might be worth a check.
If it does turn out to be your pedal mounting bracket, you can remove just the speedo/tacho cluster to get in at it to weld it up (carefully!!!!). This will be easier to do if you get it done before it breaks completely.


ram5ay said:
My clutch pedal was making a loud clicking/creaking noise for months, I was convinced it would give in at any sec :shock:, and was anticipating being stranded whenever I drove for more than 10m. I made up a pedal support bracket myself which helped a bit, but the noise was still there.
I also had fluid leaking into the footwell from around the master cylinder seal.
When I eventually got round to replacing the master cylinder I removed the dash to check the pedal mounting bracket, turns out it was OK.
All I'm saying is in my case the noise turned out to be the master cylinder, so it might be worth a check.
I also experienced this and found that if I took the slack out of the pedal by screwing in the adjustment bolt at the top, the clicking stopped.


mattygti-r said:
just the speedo/dash cluster? surely you wlil fry somin when u weld it?
ram5ay said:
weld it up (carefully!!!!)
The top of the clutch bracket is behind some sound proofing fluff which lookes pretty flammable so I recon you should cut this out, there is also a fat piece of wiring loom that needs to be shifted/shielded from the heat. Apart from that no probs eh.
Obviously use your own judgement as to whether you would tackle it this way, you can allways keep a bucket of water handy :wink: .