Clutch/Master Cylinder Problems

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
Got a small problem that needs a bit of your advice,

It started yesterday when i was having problems with my clutch peddle, it seems to stick and needs pulling up with my toe when I’m driving. This is causing problems when I change gear (grinding/unable to change gear etc).
Its almost as if I’ve lost pressure in the master cylinder and will only work properly when I pull the peddle up with my toe.
However it only happens at high revs, when I’m travelling along without driving “enthusiastically” then it works fine? Neither is there any fluid that has leaked inside or outside the car

I’ve had a new RPS clutch fitted aprox 6 months ago, a new master cylinder, clutch peddle support bracket all fitted at the same time and the fluid seems fine - topped to the top and clear…

I’ve tried to adjust the level of biting point but it make no difference and I get the same loss of pressure when driving.

I’ve had a look through the search mode and found a few items that match some of my symptoms, but the responses given seem to be answered with the precautions that have already been implemented on my car.

It does slightly judder when releasing the clutch from a standing start, but then it stops and it moves forwards freely and there is no noise coming from the gearbox.

I might try to bleed the systems later and see if that helps, apart from that has anyone else got any ideas?

Fast Guy

Staff member
What about the slave cylinder? that wasn't changed was it?

Which RPS clutch was it? maybe the seals have gone inside the master cylinder :?


Sounds like the Master cyclinder to me and i would change the slave at the same time seal kit from Nissan is cheap as chips and easy to do but the master is a bit more fiddley to do but 2 hours should see you right with good directions.

When i done my two a few months ago i noticed the dia of the rubber plunger to be smaller of the new one and resulted in same symptoms as yours fine now :D


Not likely as mine still original havent got around to fiting the braided one yet!


eeekkk - sorry you're having trouble so soon Andy...

The Car is my old one... I changed the clutch master cylinder about a month before I sold it to you so that lines that one out. I bought it off JIW - was virtually brand new (about 4 months old iirc).

Slave cylinder wasn't done so that could be a possibility but there again, no fluid loss....

I'd put the judder down to the flywheel.. perhaps it wasn't skimmed properly when I had the clutch done which is an RPS street max by the way.

Hope you get it sorted soon mate.


Sounds like the same symptoms i had when my slave cylinder went. It was only leaking very slighty and the heat from the box and block were burning the fluid off so the leak wasnt obvious at all.

Slave cylinder is defo worth a try dude.
