Clutch judder.........os giken owners help again lol



Right i have an OS Giken twin plate clutch in the car with a quaiffe box.

Ever since it had beeded in i have had a judder through the pedal when the clutch joins and also it does it if you change gear and let the revs drop.
It also does the chewbacca noise when you pull away at times and also sometimes on gear changes (os giken owners know what i mean :lol: )

However the judder seems to shake the front end to pieces :shock: :lol:
and i'm worried that under hard launching i might blow something up :shock: :?

The judder got worse and worse recently and then funnily enough i discovered one of my tyre pressues on the front down at 20psi :evil: :?

so i put them up to 34psi and there is hardly and juddder at all :shock: :lol: :oops:

yet again though the judder was getting worse again, so checked tyres last
night and they were down to 30psi..........abck up 34psi and its fine, i can let the clutch out in first gear on tarmac with no revs and it judders ever so slighty (hardly anything) and the car doesnt stall either.

So do i have a problem somewhere or are tyre pressures that critical :shock:

also to note on my MOT we noticed that my drivers side top mount is causing a slight knock on steering so wondered if that might be causing a problem.

I have all new CV joints and wheel bearings to go on the car soon so hopign that'll tighten it all up a bit.


lol sweeny and stu rawlinson will understand chewbacca :lol: :lol: :lol:


New Member
Edd said:
lol sweeny and stu rawlinson will understand chewbacca :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: LMFAO, Chewbacca rules, he never shuts up in mine :D .

Just keep an eye on your tyre pressures, or get new tyres.


Active Member
also to note on my MOT we noticed that my drivers side top mount is causing a slight knock on steering so wondered if that might be causing a problem
:? what do you mean the mount is sagging? don,t you have nismo mounts all round?



Sweeny yours must be f*cked as my only does it like once a day, or maybe i have a quiet chewbacca :lol: :lol: :lol:

zia i meant to put the suspension top mount :oops:


although it tends to do it just as i leave work i the centre of Birmingham, so i think Chewbacca is giving a big shout out to all the people waiting at the bus stop :shock: :lol: :lol:

I think people think the car's f*cked when they hear chewbacca scream :lol: :lol:


Active Member
doesn,t make any sense why the judder should stop with increase of 4 psi?? :?: unless the os is putting alot of strain on the drivetrain which is being transmitted to suspension, driveshaft. which mean increasing the pressure your effectively increasing the stance? weight distribution on the corresponding suspension? i.e taking the load off(abit far fetched but only thing the i can think off)



yeh i did wonder if the os was too harsh and shook the driveshafts a lot maybe which i wondered might be causing the problem ebcause the shock top mount is f*cked
i'm surprised 4 psi makes such a difference.
It'll be interesting to see if it does it when ive changed top mount and all vc joints and wheel bearings


New Member
I cant see 4psi doing feck all, unless the clutch is fecked and the extra grip causes strain! But 4psi is nothing at all.