clutch issues!!!



ok hey guys im new here, just bought a wicked gtir, has been going very well for the first week, until the other day!

i was driving home from work, in heavy traffic, so not thrashing or anything. suddenly when i tried to push clutch in, it made a loud screeching noise from left front side of engine bay. i ended up having to coast very slowly to side of the road.

i then sat there with engine running, trying to push clutch in, to get it in gear, but it continued that noise, and clutch was very heavy. i originally thought it could be either a broken pivot on the clutch arm, or a bent fork. after a few minutes of trying this, the clutch pedal went completely floppy, and i ended up getting a tow truck.

today i noticed on the left side of the engine, near where i assume the gbox is (i dont know much!), and where the noise was coming from, there is some sort of lever (clutch actuator?). the seals on either end of this lever have come completely loose, and there is oil seeping (almost pouring!) out.

any ideas on what the problem is? its going to a transmission specialist on wednesday, so prob gonna render me bankrupt for some time! (note: has a HKS twin plate clutch).

Fast Guy

Staff member
Well, I was going to say have you checked your clutch fluid level until I reread your post. :oops:
Obviously you don't have any fluid left in the system or at least not at the master cylinder end.

If you're lucky it might just be the operating cylinder that needs an overhaul or replacing. It's also quite common for the flexible hose to this to leak, so check the hose isn't leaking onto the operating cylinder.

Hopefully this will be a cheap fix for you. :)


yeah well i hope its cheap too!

so im right in assuming this lever thing is clutch-related?? by "operating cylinder" are u referring to the slave cylinder? would the gbox have to come out to fix this problem? cos thats where the expense is eh, 2 days labour! :shock:

also, if it was the cylinder, would it happen as suddenly as it did? didnt feel any noticeable change in pedal feel or anything prior to it completely dying.


sounds like the slave cylinder on the gearbox seals have gone or possibly the clutch pipe.
dont waste your time with an overhaul kit, buy a new slave cylinder (if it is that thats leaking)


i can see whats leaking, its the actuator arm thing that i described before. also noticed just now that what i presume is the clutch fluid reservoir is completely empty! :?

edit: i understand u can use dot 3 brake fluid as clutch fluid??


If it's the slave cylinder mate it's an easy fix you could do it yourself in less than an hour :wink: .

Just buy yourself a new slave cylinder and a new flexi pipe from master to
slave and bleed the system with the aid of a mate pumpping the pedal for

And use the same fluid you use for the brakes matey :wink: .

It's a bit tight to replace the pipe but not impossible.



hmmm well gbox mechanic says its not hydraulic, most likely clutch release bearing.

forgot to ask him, so will ask on here: will the whole clutch need to be replaced, or just the bearing itself? sadly its a gbox out job...

sucks to be me.


Sounds to me like it's just the slave cylinder like all have said above.
Mines just done the same thing so I have a new slave being delivered today hopefully for about £55 GBP.


Active Member
Why would a clutch release bearing failing cause all your fluid to dissappear?

Just wondering?

GeeTee 8)


yeah im kinda wondering the same thing, altho the place where most has drained from is this clutch lever thing on top of clutch housing. the seals on each end have come loose, and allowed fluid to drain out.


You may have popped the seals trying to force the clutch down after the release bearing went.

If it were just the seals, I would have expected the pedal to just sink, you wouldn't have had the screetching or heavy pedal first.

Paul Firth

Sounds like what happened to mine. The clutch fork cracked where it sits on the pivot which made it twist when the clutch was pressed. This snapped one side of the release bearing. My slave cylinder was ok but it's possible that it would go to one side and damage the seal when the clutch fork is like this which would explain your fluid loss. The fork and pivot were about £45 from Nissan.[/quote]