clutch / gearbox?



When the car is cold and i first put it in reverse, then go into first gear the car will jolt, and its really stiff. Some times doesnt go into first gear first time..

Another problem, is that on a frequent basis the clutch will stick to the floor! and i have to lift it back up with my foot :?

I was sitting in traffic yesterday, and i had the clutch firmly on the floor so i diddent engage in any gear, but the car was creeping fwd, i had to keep my foot on the brake, and i couldent get it out of gear had to switch the car of to take it out of gear!

Has anyone had these problems? advise would be good :)

Cheers 8)


its either your slave or your master they are the exact symtoms it wont be your clutch that either slips or wont dissengage and the gearbox wont cause that


New Member
hi lads i have noticed on my car the same problem as mattgtir where when coming out of reverse and going in to first sometimes it does not engage in gear and when the clutch is let out the car will just rev but then try to put it in first again and it will go in. i know u say its the slave/master cylinder but they were both changed for brand new ones just over a year ago as was the hydraulic clutch pipe.

any body any ideas as to my fault :cry: :?:

Brett G

I had this problem and it turned out to be a leaking slave cylinder but if there's no fluid loss then are you sure its not just the clutch fluid level too low??? :roll:


Let me save you all, the problem with going straight from reverse to first is a problem with most pulsars, i used to have it till i found out what it is that causes it. In our gearbox there is a spring that pushes the box out of reverse when coming out of reverse, naturally the spring ages and not well, so all u need to do to solve this problem is simply either slowly go from reverse to first or even better go from reverse to fifth then into first this is the best way to make sure you dont get ur gearbox stuck.

As for the pedal to the floor, yeah it is due to hydraulic problem, so either leaking master/ slave cylinder or the hose itself.