Clutch/Gearbox? Help!



I hav a similar problem 2 what Mart posted on the 9th

Hav a constant rattlin noise from engine bay, doesn't seem 2 go away when clutch pedal pressed only when then put in2 gear. Noise is then constant again while drivin. Has got a really bad in couple of days.
When changin down gear u can feel the pedal/car etc really clunk & judder.

This has only seemed 2 happen since 1st havin a tyre blow out & spin me on a roundabout & also since clutch pedal 'U' bracket broke.

Is it same problem? Any new ideas? Some1 did mention cams 4cos of the noise but think thats b*ll*x.



Active Member
check for loose mountings etc get a technician to have look at it.noise are hard to diagnose due sound travelling etc.check wheel bearings.could be alot of things really
