Clutch fork thingy


Hi i have removed the rubber cover off the clutch fork thing and the fork seems to wobble about (the slave cylinder is removed at the mo) is this normal ??


New Member
yes mate but dont move it around too much as the clippy pin might pop off the post and then you will be fooking stook - dont wanna say what you'l have to do to get it back on :shock:


New Member
What prob have you had in order for you to take the dust cover off and slave cylinder??

Im only asking as my slave cylinder piston came out and fluid went everywhere, later found out after fitting a new clutch and the withdrawel fork was nearly in two pieces i.e. large split halfway down the shaft of the fork :(

If something like this has happened then i wouldbe tempted if poss to strip down and inspect.

Ant. :wink: