Clutch fades away



I'm having a few clutch and gearbox problems atm. The clutch system has been leaking fluid from a small rubber pipe. This is being replaced on Thursday

However under normal day to day driving I have exprienced a situation where the clutch pedal sinks lower and lower until it doesnt work at all. Then give it a minute or so it starts working again like normal

How can this be?

Fluid levels are topped up like normal when it happens and it has a new clutch master cylinder.


I dont think so. The fluid level only drops a tiny amount every week and if it were going to fade away because the fluid was leaking, it wouldnt come back a minute later without attention would it?


How do you mean it starts working again? Do you pump the pedal, realise it's not working, pump it a bit more and it's starts working?

Mine did a very similar thing, it would gradually lose pressure (nothing quite like driving from Wigan to Newbury with a slowly dropping clutch pedal... :? ) so when I went to use it there was less and less 'pedal'. However, pump the pedal a few times before needing the cutch and it would build pressure back up and work fine. Air was being drawn into the system through the hole in the flex pipe, pumping the pedal was effectively bleeding it back out again.