Clutch bite adjustment.


Hi, just drove my car today after the accident, everything fine, but i noticed the clutch was very light at the top, and stiffens as you push it down, when before it was fairly stiff all the way through the travel.

Then as i was driving it home i noticed the bite getting lower and lower, until it was on the floor practically, and i couldnt change gear as the clutch was still touching the fly wheel.
I had this same problem with my old pug 205, and all that needed adjusting was the clutch cable adjustment thread thing with the nuts on it, as they had came loose letting the clutch bite slip.

Just wanted to know where the clutch cable adjustment thread is under the bonnet? could anyone take a picture to show me or give a description. Any other advice will be appreciated, do you think it is the same problem as i do, if not any info will be helpful.

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could be slave cylinder is away if clutch bitting point is getting lower and you can't change gears, or master cylinder doesn't seem that adjusting it would help the biting point. Other areas to look at are if the slave is pushing the fork in gearobx if the slave is over extending and the fork doesn'tmove there's your problem.
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First check if there is any fluid in the clutch resivoir, if there is it could be possible that there is an air lock. if there is no fluid check the hydraulic lines for a leak, sounds as though there is a slow leak as you managed to use the clutch to start with.


ssgti-r said:
First check if there is any fluid in the clutch resivoir, if there is it could be possible that there is an air lock. if there is no fluid check the hydraulic lines for a leak, sounds as though there is a slow leak as you managed to use the clutch to start with.
I would say its the fork as you where initally able to change gears and then not if the slave or master cylinder is goosed then you wouldn't have pressure altogether, ie the pedal doesn't return which you have, al put my money on fork, as i had the exact same thing happen, but my pedal dropped to floor because the slave cylinder was over extending thus pushing cylinder out to far allowing fluid to escape.


The pedal does return to starting position, just the bite is really low.

So where is this master cylinder / slave cylinder so i can check for fluid, and how do i check the fork?, thanks for help so far.

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
Before you look at the fork, have a look at the master cylinder. I was having trouble trying to change gear (again), on inspection the master cylinder had worked itself loose.

To check it, the best thing to do is get someone to press the clutch pedal and for you to watch the master cylinder. If it moves give it a nip up and it should make some improvement to the biting point.

Master cylinder location


This sounds EXACTLY like happened to my R.

I'll tell you its most probably the clutch fork that has gone where the pivot arm locates,it'll have worn through;-)

Do check all the other possibilities first before you think about droppping the engine obviously.
Mine had firm travel all the way down then all of a sudden it was soft at the top then hard further down,bite was getting lower and lower.
Until i was trying to push the clutch pedal through the floor,then no gears at all in the end.

Looks like this...

Should look like this...

Hope it gets sorted mate.


fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
Worth also welding a plate over the pivot point so that it gives it more strength.;-)