CHEEKY Fookers

Roy Archer

Cheers Owens. I wasnt slagging the technicians off, just the cost of the work (which Volvo price up, not you guys). They wanted £18 to change a light bulb. It cost me £2.99 for two out of Halfords and 5 minutes of my time. I just wish I were more educated around a car so I could do the odd job myself.


thing is now days the manafacturer chops so much time off of service times now days that they have to charge for silly things like bulbs, i mean £18 to change a sidelight bulb is beyond a joke and i wouldnt even dream of paying it, but there are people out there that are so lazy that they will just pay for it so they try and charge everyone to do stuff.

to be perfectly honest i only advise my mum has her car done at ford so she has a stamp in the book and the last time she sent it in they priced up over £500 worth of work that didnt even need doing so i had to phone the service manager and have words myself,
everyones out there to get money from you now, its the same with everything, if you dont know the inns and outs of things you can easily get ripped off


New Member
tomble said:
Are you talking from experience, mate?

ha ha nob rot ceramic brakes crack all the time anyway but ive been told not to ever hit the disc with anything inluding the wheel


New Member
and about electronic parking brakes u need diagnotic equipment to change the pads lol which makes it nearly impossible for the normal person to do diy.