changing rear brake discs/pads - advice/how to adjust etc...



as above really, going to put the new ones (std) on tomorow night.

is there a screw or something in the rear of the caliper which you somehow have to adjust???

i gather its not as easy as just fitting the new discs n pads, you have to set them up???

any help appreciated :)


The process of changing the brakes is very similar to the front. The main difference is the calpier. With the fronts you can push the piston back with a set of stilsons/pipegrips/g-clamp to make room for the pads. With the rear caliper in order to push the piston back you have to apply force to push the piston in and turn it at the same time (clockwise I believe). There is a special tool for it which makes it very easy but you can do it using molegrips, g-clamps, screwdrivers etc. Yoy have to be careful to not damage the piston surfaces and not to damage the dust seal.
Ive done it before by using a big pair of grips to push it in and a large screwdriver to turn it.......apart from that very straight forward....ah there is a raised bit of metal on the back of the pad which lines up with a groove in the piston, hard to explain but youll understand when you see it. To set them up just pump the brake pedal.

Im not 100% sure about adjusting the handbrake, I imagine you would slacken the cable before you do the brakes, fit the brakes, pump the pedal then adjust the cable.

Make sure to clean and coppergrease all the contact points :wink: