Celica Clutch Change.....


Active Member
A bit off topic / forum I know :?

Anyone ever changed a clutch on a 1990 Celica GT ? Is it an engine out job?

Thinking of doing this myself... but never changed a clutch b4 :shock:

Is it always necessary to get the flywheel skimmed?

Could be a laugh eh!

GeeTee 8)


New Member
it's only the GT4's where it's an engine out job so you should be ok.

Depends on how shagged the clutch is and if it has gone down to it's rivits. If the car has been driven hard in the past then the flywheel will be scored. Does not cost much to skim a flywheel, get it done.



Active Member
So changing a clutch is not a hard job then? (excepting the R!)

Any special tools required? Seen all sorts of clutch alignment tools and stuff about ppl using old transfer shafts (??).....

The car has undoubtably been driven hard in the past - but is still going strong at 175,000 miles. Just the clutch is juddering and slippin now and all the suspension bushes are completely shagged which makes it wander about on fast corners - probably not helped by the utterly tired dampers and sitting very very low on what are probably original springs.

Otherwise it's OK as a 2nd car to the R :)

