I've tried minimum and maximum KPI on my top mount. Maximum gives more scrub so more feel but more kick back as well (bad). Minimum gives less scrub. reduces kick back and gives a lighter feel (sometimes not enough feel). With a lowered car running wider track I believe the sweet spot is between the minimum and centre position on the top mount. If in doubt, just go with the centre position.
As an aside, when I first modified my strut tower to further increase the caster, I thought I'd gone too far and stuffed the handling. Tweaking the ride heights and damper settings made everything good again. Your mid corner understeer could be something else.
Jim, thanks for your feedback.
Yes I do concur the same with your observations. Max KPI, steering feeling was awesome, and a real blast around fast switch back corners (4th, 5th gear corners with a close ratio box).
But it was down right crappy on slow and bumpy corners. Like the steering just wanna pull my arms off at times.
As for my handling.... Ever since I've swapped tyres to 215/45 R17 Federal RSR semi slicks (Thread wear 140) and running 17x7.5 Ray Engineering Sebring ITC with -25 offset, the car just felt weird........... The outright grip is much better but the car doesn't feel balanced. It feels "STUCK" as opposed to "PLANTED" Argh... LOL Steering feel was crap too until i messed around with max KPi settings.
So i've been toying around with car setup to get back the handling I like with my previous tyres. 205/45 R16 on Hankook RS2 (thread wear 200). Doesn't grip as well but it was a real hoot to drive and i could induce lift off oversteer to my whims and fancies.
Next step is to reset back the KPi to centre and max out the castor. Maybe i should also dial in some rear toe in? For the record, the rear ARB is at its hardest now. sometimes i wonder is it because the rear inside wheel is not "lifting up" sufficiently.