Can anyone recommend any new brake rotors?

I'm in need of some new rotors for my front brakes as my last ones have developed major cracks during my last trackday.
Can anyone recommend one make over another?
Thanx, Ben.
I've got the setup I want. 330mm discs and Brembo 4 pot calipers.
I am willing to pay what ever it takes to get a good disc that's not gonna crack during hard use.


Staff member
I just got some new 325mm disks and ally bells from Godspeed, they also sell Brembo calipers so prolly worth a call. My last set from Godspeed were brilliant no cracks at all they just naturally wore out with over 4 years of hard use.
stevepudney said:
I just got some new 325mm disks and ally bells from Godspeed, they also sell Brembo calipers so prolly worth a call. My last set from Godspeed were brilliant no cracks at all they just naturally wore out with over 4 years of hard use.
Did those 4 years include any track time/prolonged hard use?