Bumpsteer kit rose joint specs


Staff member

The Fluro bearings (GASXW14 x 1.5MS) you have sourced from Autosport Bearings are OK. These, if installed correctly with the rubber boots and dust shields/washers, should last alot longer than the Gordon Kay or Whiteline/Powerstation ones.

If we wanted the ultimate bearing, Rose or NMB bearings would be the ones to go for as these manufactures only produce Aircraft Spec bearings and the quality of materials is loads better than Fluro. Up until a while ago all the F1 teams used Rose or NMB bearings, they have now turned to making the whole assembly from carbon Fibre.
The fluro rod ends are a cast unit where as the Aircraft spec ones are turned from a single peice of high grade steel, this makes them alot stronger. The unfortunate thing is Rose and NMB, being american don't make Metric sizes so it would involve making up a whole new kit using 9/16th rod end with a new threaded sleeve and pin to suit. Pain in the A S S !!!

As I can't be bothered to make a whole new kit I have ordered the Fluro bearings (GASXW14 x 1.5MS) a grand total of about £90 all in.
Lets hope they hold together.


Active Member

Thanks for explaining all that, I like to know the ins and outs whenever possible :wink: :lol:

Have you ordered the spacers ? I didn't think we had the clearance to fit these ?! Also, doesn't the fact that the rod ends move on a vertical aswell as horizontal plain, rule these out ?

Also, I dont know if you had a look at their site but, they supply other bearings other than FLURO !!

Oh, and let us know how you get on with the new rod ends ?! :wink:


New Member
Just got home and found that my rubber seals have arrived, which is very quick service considering the order was placed on monday night. There wasn't a minimum order limit when i got mine although i did buy 4 just in case, so i might have a set up for sale soon!!