brake lines on willwoods calipers


Active Member
as above does anyone else have any problem with fitting these lines on?
ill post a piccy up later to show you guys what im talking about as ive been told to use cable ties :shock: :evil: :evil: .im really pissed as i paid top dollar and these bloody lines dont fit? or am i missing some sort of adaptor clip? please help
the bracket im talking about is the one wleded to the strut


New Member

If you look at mines Jimmy, it looks like mine are sitting against the coilover with a cable tie.



I had a similar problem... For my pipes your supposed to use the original clip that held held the original pipes onto that bracket. The clip didn't fit well with the new pipes and kept falling off, so I binned them and used cable ties instead.


Active Member
i been told using cable ties will cause problems at the mot old man used to do them and said he deffo wouldnt pass it :shock: :?


Active Member
Dooie Pop Pop said:
cable ties are a mans best friend...amen :wink:
erm almost conviced the old man to let me do it but i wanna find a more suitable solution in the near future as i dont like it really but i need to get the beast back on the open road again asap


Mine have been cable tired for 3 M.O.T's now with no problem at all :wink: .



Active Member
hello peopl ive spoken to the very nice andy at rally design to see if he could over come the problem im having.......... the line i measured them are 5 inches too long :shock: :? :x :cry: so it rubs on the wheel :cry:
this braided hoses is suppost to fit like the standard brake hoses does..and he is dumbfuned that no one has phoned up to complain about the kit before :shock: :? .he said he has made at least 70 kits and its just littl old me phoning up to ask :shock: :?

andy was very helpful and has asked me to send him a original hose and the braided ones so he can make me ones that fit yippee i cant wait to fit them............. so any problems phone andy he will sort you out :wink:

ps he was quite horrified when i mention people used cable ties to hold the hoses to the strut as well so check on them it liable to cause a serious problem..ill keep you guys posted


5" too long what length are they???

MOT should turn you down for pipes rubbing against "Hardware" so using some copper pipe lagging with a couple of cable ties is a trick fix mine came of the boat with this mod already but guys at mot warned me if it moves out of the holder on the strut its a failure for the next time :?

Do you know if you can reuse the ends? if so then a hose supplier should be able to order the two propper clips needed which slide over the hose and also trim the hose down to required length look up Earls agents near you :wink:


New Member
I rekon mine were too long. Also had the same problem with rubbing on wheel. I ended up clipping the pipe to the inner wing to make sure it stayed away from touching anything else.