brake bias

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
had my front pads changed last week and the guy that did it thought they were ok till he checked the drivers side one and declared em worn :roll:
i asked why they were worn on one side more than the other and he said it was quite normal. there wasn' t much in it tbh, i was just wondering if it was ok?

i dont do my own brakes for obvious reasons, and since my fuel pipe horror iv fitted my car with about 15 of these :wink:

should extend my and my cars life for a good few yrs 8)


If they are worn on one side more than the other, then you are clearly pressing on one side of the pedal more than the other. I'd suggest placing your foot more central on the pedal, or purchasing wider shoes... ;)


Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
AJ4 said:
If they are worn on one side more than the other, then you are clearly pressing on one side of the pedal more than the other. I'd suggest placing your foot more central on the pedal, or purchasing wider shoes... ;)

lucky i know what your like or i could have almost taken that seriously :lol:


lol, its pretty weird actually, there seem to be two sets of users on here, mostly seperated by age. One group can have a bit of banter and take the pee out of each, no-one takes it personally and everyone has a good laugh.

The other group... the slightest little hint of defamation or ribbing and its ' I'm going to find you and give you a hiding ' and all the other keyboard warrior rubbish.

I think I'm getting old :(


Staff member
AJ4 said:
If they are worn on one side more than the other, then you are clearly pressing on one side of the pedal more than the other. I'd suggest placing your foot more central on the pedal, or purchasing wider shoes... ;)

PMSL :lol: :lol:

It could be your weight in the drivers seat means one side has to work harder than the other. Or the camber of the roads can affect things like that :wink:

When I've seen pads wear out on one side, its been a sticking calliper.