Yeah 1S, nice and simple
Back on topic - I don't think much of the people on the Isle of Wight should be too worried about it as I've already said, most of the people moaning about it have non-turbo cars so it doesn't really matter what octane the fuel is...

I can only think of a handful of cars personally that will be affected, and all those are very high power, very tuned turbo cars, all in the 300 - 500 bhp range.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with running 95 octane fuel. A well tuned 95 engine is probably quicker than a 97 running on an untuned, overly rich base map.
If your still worried about it, and don't want to remap for 95, there are lots of other ways to stop det. Det is caused by high cylinder temps, so anything you can do to get them down is going to help. Fit water injection, fit a bigger rad, fit a better intercooler, lower the boost slightly, buy a more efficient turbo or intercooler, increase oil capacity, fit a bigger headgasket to lower compression, use an exhaust recirculation valve....
I think the petrol thing on the Isle of Wight is the usual big fuss over nothing. Most people don't actually need 97 fuel, and even if they do its not the end of the world. To be honest, if people are using 97 fuel only to stop det, thats a sign that its not a very well tuned engine

Its amazing how people will spend thousands and thousands on ecu's and turbo to increase power, but won't spend a couple of hundred quid to change to the lower octane fuel....
<rant over>