BOV affecting clutch operation?


South West Regional Rep
This may sound like I'm going mad but changed the BOV today for another and found the clutch stopped juddering and was easier to operate. The BOV fitted I could hardly hear so assuming it wasn't operation correctly so re fitted my other one. Once this was fitted the clutch seemed heavier and juddered when pulling away in first :der:

Any one got any ideas, was thinking could be vacuum pipe related?


Active Member
or the one which you think is working is not working and causing your car to judder when you pull away maybe sticking open or your just mad.


South West Regional Rep
Both are holding boost so assume they ain't sticking open. Does the clutch work off the air/vacuum system then? if so I'll try to make a better seal on the current BOV.


BOV should not be affecting clutch operation in any way. My only guess would be that its affecting the intake vaccum and causing the engine to stutter as it pulls away?


South West Regional Rep
Bit of a strange one I agree. Was used to the clutch judder (clutch is rated to 470fl) then all of a sudden it was gone!!! I'll do some more testing :)


New Member
LOL @ vacuum controlled clutch

the bov wont have any effect on the clutch, it must be something to do with a vac leak or something


South West Regional Rep
I will admit I ain't got a fecking clue, but weird the way changing made a difference


New Member
you should know what Rs are like by now mate. they are a mystery sometimes!

but if it runs better with the new bov then just leave it on.


Active Member
turbodaily said:
LOL @ vacuum controlled clutch
You may laugh but, I've seen a GTiR in Japan that have a servo fitted between the clutch peddle and master cylinder..... I must admit I couldn't understand why, unless the guy had a really weedy left leg. :lol:



South West Regional Rep
Found that a filter in the piping was leaking. Well I assume it was as it just fell appart!!! Put the sheepdog BOV back on and clutch is lighter and no judder. Still very quiet compared to the other BOV