Bogdan's elbows


Staff member
1. KieranEG6
2. PobodY
3. britishrallying
4. Keensie
5. Luke S
6. keastygtir
7. Jon Olds
8. stugtir300
9. Daza
10. Realutionist
11. houghy_1
12. RAB-GTiR
13. R called Jay
14. allbeast
15. Richard_Sideways


Active Member
So.....I've got some good news.
The flanges are almost ready and the Stainless is on it's way.

Therefore, my paypal is

As I've said before, I will be neding an 40 GBP deposit from your side.
When you send the money please write your full names, address and phone number in the message.
Please click the ''I'm sending money to family or friends'' option before you send the money.

Until now there are 15 + 2 people interested in the group 17 guys.

Have a nice day....and Happy Holidays!


Do you mind it being sent as "for goods" and I will cover the extra 4% fees. Been stung a few times on the gifting money one.


Active Member
Kieran you wish mate.
Who want the money as ''I'm paying for goods or services'' will have to pay the fee.

By the way...the actual production will start after at least 12 people will pay the deposit!


Staff member
I sent through the deposit yesterday. - I'm likely to be a bit thin on communication for the next week or so; we're moving house and the internet connection was moved on Monday, but my PC won't be there until the 30th.