Bit of a strange one here chaps.....


New Member
Thanks for the comments chaps. Gonner try swapping a hub with a mates at the weekend just to rule that one out, and maybe look at the steering rack but doubt thats got anything to do with it. If they don't work it looks like a jig job :cry: .

My last resort would be to re-shell it which would hurt as one of the reasons i got this car is because its a uk car, doubt i'll find a uk rolling shell for sale.

Or another option is to get a pulsar shell and ring it :idea: :lol: :lol:


New Member
Dooie Pop Pop said:
5 pence says its the hub :wink:

just posted on here recently by another member :wink:
I read that other post stu and thats what lead me to look at the hub :wink: :p

I really do hope its the hub but are they easily knocked out of line like this?


Sweeny said:
I really do hope its the hub but are they easily knocked out of line like this?
I can't see how the hub could be the problem myself :? , But you never know with these cars :lol: .

Its held in place by the two shock bolts and the wish bone ball joint, The drive shaft goes through it and the bearings, If it where to get bent in someway I'm sure the car would vibrate like a c*nt :? :idea: .

But its worth a look I'm sure, will be a dam site cheaper to fix than a new shell that's for sure :wink: .

Its defernatly a strange problem you have there sweeny that's for sure, I'm very interested in finding out whats causing it :wink: :wink:



New Member
vpulsar said:
I can't see how the hub could be the problem myself :? , But you never know with these cars :lol: .
I dont understand how it could get knocked out of line either but im going off what happened to the other dude in this thread i read. That was out of line and turned out to be his hubs :? .

Here's a link to the thread:


Stu.....was that the thread you were on about too?