Ap clutch cover catching on bell housing?? Why??


New Member
Just got back from the garage where my engine is getting rebuilt and have found out that the new ap clutch is catching slightly on the bell housing.
We observed the old clutch cover and it appears that it has had a little filed off.
The engine is still out tho so he has filed a little off the new one and it hopefully should be ok.

Does this sound right or not?? Should it be catching at all?


Well-Known Member
:shock: Something must be wrong if its catching on the bellhousing surely.

otter said:
We observed the old clutch cover and it appears that it has had a little filed off.
Where abouts has it been filed?


Just had a thought.....has it still got the big metal shim/spacer between the engine and bell housing, should be about 3mm thick?


New Member
Its hard to describe where its catching. It a couple of places.
I dont know if there's any kinda spacer at all.

He's filed it and he says its ok now but i dont wanna get the engine in and find problems later on.

Anybody else had any probs???


New Member

it sounds a bit like the sandwhich plate is missing.
it shouldn't be anywere near the bellhousing.


I had this same problen a few years back with my helix clutch cover, i sent it back to them and they trimmed it down but couldnt understand wot wos wrong with it!!!!!!!!

It fitted no problem when we got it back!!!!

Another mysterious pulsar finding!!! should be a X-files about these bloody cars!!!!!!
