anyone dealt with


has anyone dealt with or know a member on here called clarkey i bough some apexi units of him two weeksof him trnasfered the money and not recived or heard a thng there might be a good explanation btu to here nothing as soon as paid for them i thought was a bit suspect i have sent many messages to him with know reply what hall i do give it a couple more days


Thats no suprise at all, i thought people would of known by now, get a "Rogue Traders" section in the parts for sale section, about time the way the internet is at the moment :x


Still waiting on some shims!
GTIR1000 said:
has anyone dealt with or know a member on here called clarkey i bough some apexi units of him two weeksof him trnasfered the money and not recived or heard a thng there might be a good explanation btu to here nothing as soon as paid for them i thought was a bit suspect i have sent many messages to him with know reply what hall i do give it a couple more days

Many have warned people about Clarky... He's done this to a few members...

He's been off hiding on the other forum these days...



it makes my blood boil that S H I T when i hear peeps have payed with there hard earned cash and some T W A T is just taking the P I S S ive had it done 2 me off a x owner on here JAME5 ill never forget u W A N K E R :evil: :evil: hope u get it sorted out mate fingers crossed :)


anyone have his address hat they sent money or anything to if so pm me i will pay him a visit dont you worry itransfered the money by bank transfer so i ahve the proof i have his account and sort code to prove the transaction


i pad him 385 pounds but my bank has been notified and if no response from him in three days the police will be informed by them as they have hs bank details


who ever been ripped of give me a pm with any detailsu have on this chap andcan anyone find out when the last time he was on here


New Member
he is upto his old tricks again :x , i think we should have him on a sticky thread to beware of this member and dont buy anything from him, also think the other forum should do this aswell coz he has done a few of there aswell.


Active Member
would think as a paid up club a function should be for sellers to register in some way.

happy to do the enforcing.


geetee said:
would think as a paid up club a function should be for sellers to register in some way.

happy to do the enforcing.
Would think being paid up club would see a lot of things happening, especially member protection by warning them of bad traders etc, after all it would be FOC :roll:


Still waiting on some shims!
Can i just ask what you bought from him...

You say APEXi Units... Is that the AVC-R and the S-AFC... And you paid £385... :shock: :shock: :shock:

I could have got you the AVC-R and the S-AFC II all BRAND NEW in the box for that price...

And they would have turned up... :wink:

I hear through the grape vine that an address and picture of the culpret is on its way... Might be handy for you...
