Advice Please!



Hi ya, Im a newbie to the site, was pointed this way by *Red*

Im currently thinking of buying a Pulsar.
I've liked them for a while now but never thought of buying one until this weekend when I drove Penny (Red's Pulsar!:-D ) and I totally fell in love!!

Anyways, the point of this post is to ask for some advice of what to look out for when looking at Pulsars, Reds given me a few pointers but just wondered if anyone else had any advice they could share!!

Any info would be much appreciated!!

Thanking you!!!:-D


Ooo my bad! Didnt even see that part of the forum! Thats what you get for being a natural blonde! LOL!


hee hee no worries have a read then ask away on anything ur not sure on, oh and then wait for some of them on here to spot you and pester you for a picture lol


LOL! Im not sure about the pics, wouldnt wanna scare ya! LOL!

And Im sure I will have plenty of questions to come!!


New Member
remember finding that car in a shed in southampton, ah those were the days

welcome aboard

im glad shes done the good thing and taken it up to the boost the car has been asking for and not 0.6 with some huge intercooler


mattygti-r said:
remember finding that car in a shed in southampton, ah those were the days

welcome aboard

im glad shes done the good thing and taken it up to the boost the car has been asking for and not 0.6 with some huge intercooler
Hey chick, nice to see you on here! we'll find you one don't worry!

Yes Matt, I'm glad I upped the boost as well. Can't beleive it hadn't been done before. She is running like a dream and it's such a BIG difference!

Really really pleased with her.

Anyway, you said to me you knew of an R with the same spec as mine for Sammi....?


Hey You!

I totally blame you for my new obsession! LOL! Just hope you don't mind me being a little copy cat and getting one as well ! LOL!

Fire & skill

Vintage member
well at least i'd rather a load of birds were driving our cars than a bunch of chavs - is the tide turning? there seems to be a few girlies joining :lol:

anyways wheres the pics?


New Member
Couple of things...

If you are going to buy a modded one, it'll work out cheaper to buy one that has a good hsitory or a few decent mods and looked after - a rebuild may prevent one cropping up for you.

Look at loads - I looked at over 12 in total I thnk.. and very different...

Don't stick to one colour - personally I wanted white but decent white ones are even rarer than decent R's in first place if you ask me!!!
- Got Black in the end and delighted..

Its always said but don't buy on a budget and be just about covering yourself monthly... these things do crop up adn can be a few pounds required...

The smile and buzz of driving one is unreal though, and you won't get much more power for the ££££...

PS - Don't spray it pink or pink interior... thou a pink R with Black windows and Wheels... hmmmm.... :)

A few decent ones crop up on here...

Go Get looking...!


ooo spraying it pink . . . now theres an idea!! LOL!!

Thanks for the tips Fazz

I'm not gonna rush into buying one, cos rushing into things normally always gets me in to trouble! LOL!
I've gotta sort out a loan and sell my car first so whilst Im doing that I can have a good look around.

I have my heart set on a black one or a dark grey one, but if a good one comes up in another colour then I will still consider it!


New Member
only thing you have to consider is that you say you are getting a loan to buy one..........if the car goes wrong or breaks down can you afford to fix it like fazz says dont buy one of these cars on a budget. as they are expensive when they go wrong. and also they do tend to drink the odd gallon of fuel.... hope this helps


I can see what your saying

I can afford to cover maintanence and running costs just cant afford to fork out a lump sum for the car, if that makes sense!? LOL!


Well Im planning on getting a 5k loan so anything up to that really.


~*~sammi~*~ said:
Well Im planning on getting a 5k loan so anything up to that really.
You will defo get a nice example for £5000, will get a nice example for a bit less than that actually;-)


Well-Known Member
~*~sammi~*~ said:
Well Im planning on getting a 5k loan so anything up to that really.
You can pick up decent ones with a few mods for 4 to 4.5k and i'd keep the rest in the bank for when something goes wrong ;-)

Notice i said when and not if :lol: