380 bhp help please!!!


Active Member
Yeah I know......allthough you can find the same in yellow_weapons car......

Anyways I think I will be going for the evo 9 stock intercooler and custom pipe run!!!


Active Member
Hy again mates.

After a few discussions and controverses I had made an conclusion.

Because next year I have an engine rebuild in my mind I thought that I can stick an gt3071 in there and ran it on lower boost.

What you reckon .....how much my internals will last and does the gt3071 makes a good option at the moment???

I don't wanna buy now an 2871 and then after 6 months go for an 3071 but still I wanna race my car but within the limit of the stock internals!!!

Please advice you guys!!!!


Well-Known Member
If it was me i'd buy the 3071 now, like you said theres no point buying a new turbo then changing it again after a few months ;-)

If you're that worried about reliability just get it mapped to 330/340bhp, as long as your engine is in good condition it should last. People have had standard engines last a while with 400bhp though!


Active Member
Yeah I know Mark.

Anyway....I've discussed today with Edd from Fusion and he told me that the engine will be quite ok until 380 after that i'll just have to change the pistons and head gasket!