The Pulsar Blues....


Got these bad at the moment!

Thing is the car is actually running really well, werid..... but anyway.

I like to think my pulsar is pretty up together, ish - but there is so much that needs doing still until im happy. Ive got it to a point where its ready to be a weapon, ive got the right clutch, the right engine internals, the right brakes the right wheels bla bla bla.... but even after what seems like thousands of pounds (and hours of hard labour lol) it STILL needs money spending!!

New turbo just about to be bought, thats atleast a week in the shit house when the missus find out (after ive bought it, of course) then its all off to Ed for more hundreds spending.....

In the meanwhile my slightly whiney transfer box is probably going to blow up :roll:

And she needs one arch sorting too..... god its never ending.......

AND my starter motor is starting to not want to play ball..... fuck me.....

The thing is, when youre in that mood and you put your foor down round that corner in 2nd... it does all seem worth it...

The times over the last couple of months ive come so close to chucking it all in and throwing up a breaking or for sale thread, this things worse than my fucking missus....

Then i take a step back and think to myself, what else would i get for the same money that could out perform it.... not alot really....

Then something else starts playing up...

And breathe.


New Member
Ha Ha, couldn't empathise any more on this thread mate, Im loving the analogy to the Mrs.

I would say my pulsar is like my Mrs too- was great fun when I first got in it, but now the honeymoon period is over there's always a reason why it wont "put out"


I would say my pulsar is like my Mrs too- was great fun when I first got in it, but now the honeymoon period is over there's always a reason why it wont "put out"
haha that made me laugh out loud.

in all fairness, they arent that too far a branch from women... throw lots of money at them and you generally get what you want....
