Log Book!

Gaz gtiR

New Member
Alrite lads, Jus looking at my log book for the R & noticed something i cant put my finger on! just wonderd if some1 could explain it to me?

: It says car was manufactured in 1990

: Date of first registration is 1998

: Date of first registerd in uk 2004

Now dous this mean it came out of the factory in 1990 & was sat for 8 years in nissans wherehouse for untill 1998? & spent 5 years in japan untill imported to the uk in 2004?

Also it says its a sunny on log book? is this just because thats what they call them in the uk, Even tho its an import?


Staff member
It just means that the DVLA are lazy bastards who can't be arsed getting it right.

Mine is pretty similar; it claims to be a Sunny GTi 2.0E that was built in 1990, but first registered in the UK in something like 2001 (I don't have it in front of me).

Somebody couldn't be bothered typing it all in correctly, so they just ticked the box that was closest and that's how it's been ever since.

Gaz gtiR

New Member
hmm i see where you coming from pobody i know DVLA are lazy gits! but theres just a big gap (8 years) between manufacture date 1990 & date of first registration 1998? obviusly in japan as it wasnt imported untill 2004?


Active Member
When i had my 2nd R it said sunny, i sent the logbook back asking them to change it to pulsar GTiR. They sent it back and changed to a nissan pickup truck or similar lol, so i rang them and they said, they cant change it without the vehicle being inspected 1st.

Gaz gtiR

New Member
When i had my 2nd R it said sunny, i sent the logbook back asking them to change it to pulsar GTiR. They sent it back and changed to a nissan pickup truck or similar lol, so i rang them and they said, they cant change it without the vehicle being inspected 1st.
Haha nissan pick up truck? lmao :lol:. dvla make me laugh, its not as if its rocket science