Phase one & phase two GTIR'S


New Member
So yeah can someone please tell me what the diffrence's there are between the two?????? The reason i'm asking is because phase 2 dials i.e speedo & rev counter wont fit in a phase 1 gtir. I was told this by fast eddy, i asked him what the diffrences were but he never answered my question so i'm now asking the forum. Cheers for any info on this.


Active Member
Different interior
differernt centre console(cup holder)
no brolly holder
different steering wheel
im sure phase 1 has red calipers and phase 2 black
no p badge on phase 2 (nissan)

im sure there are more but cant think right now

geoff pine

Well-Known Member
Different interior
differernt centre console(cup holder)
no brolly holder
different steering wheel
im sure phase 1 has red calipers and phase 2 black
no p badge on phase 2 (nissan)

im sure there are more but cant think right now
I don't think the red calipers is one of them mine has standard black and it's a H plater


Active Member
the cup holder is in phase 1 and 2. also as geoff said think all calipers are the same colour.there are quite a few differences think the gear casings are supposedly different,air-con is different,think abs system is different,interior is different as stated above and the steering is different between phase 1 and 2,it is on the 2 cars i have it is anyway


red reading

Active Member
There is 3 differant gearbox cases in the gtir production which was noting to do with phase 1 and 2 cars, phase 1 and 2 cars really were minimal in differances which was more visual changes (i'e interior/clocks / steering wheel/ badges etc car colours were another) than mechanical changes.


Staff member
CUP HOLDER????? in phase 1 & 2? erm well i havnt found mine yet? where is it! am i just blind? :noidea:
Is yours an RB? Did someone take it out to fit the stereo?

Mine is just below the head unit (phase 1 centre console if that makes any difference):


Active Member
Is yours an RB? Did someone take it out to fit the stereo?

Mine is just below the head unit (phase 1 centre console if that makes any difference):
Series 1 and Series 2 are identical, the only thing that changes is the heater, some are plain as this one is and others have climate control, with the temperature numbers on the slider face.


Active Member
The reason i'm asking is because phase 2 dials i.e speedo & rev counter wont fit in a phase 1 gtir. I was told this by fast eddy, i asked him what the diffrences were but he never answered my question so i'm now asking the forum. Cheers for any info on this.
Series 1 and Series 2 dials are interchangeable, BUT you have to CHANGE:
The contact membrane on the back, and more importantly
the wires in the plugs so that they match the changed membrane. (this in itself is a NIGHTMARE)
So the simple solution, get the correct Series unit.


Active Member
There is 3 differant gearbox cases in the gtir production which was noting to do with phase 1 and 2 cars, phase 1 and 2 cars really were minimal in differances which was more visual changes (i'e interior/clocks / steering wheel/ badges etc car colours were another) than mechanical changes.
Surprisingly, people talk about the strong cases for R's. Well there has been some questions asked in OZ about these, especially since the bloke in Italy has been making those braces. The bolts in the gearbox casing to the bell housing of the R's up to November 1993 were 10mm diametre items, however, after that date they were changed, to 8mm, the same size as used on other (non GTI-R) N14 Pulsar/Sunny's. Why? Don't know, but maybe cost saving for the 2mm of material.


Active Member
As far as Series go they are like this

M - Series 1 - Phase 1 - Vin No. 101-5786
W - Series 1 - Phase 2 - Vin No. 20001-21489
W - Series 1 - Phase 3 - Vin No. 51001-53490
W - Series 2 - Phase 1 - Vin No. 100001-102340
W - Series 2 - Phase 2 - Vin No. 150001-151846

M = Tochigi Factory and W = Kyushu factory (Kyushu is Huzisige - Fuji Factory which built/builds Subaru's)


New Member
Series 1 and Series 2 dials are interchangeable, BUT you have to CHANGE:
The contact membrane on the back, and more importantly
the wires in the plugs so that they match the changed membrane. (this in itself is a NIGHTMARE)
So the simple solution, get the correct Series unit.
Thanks for the replys guys. & splmum cheers fella that all i wanted to know. Looks like i cant have them clocks now :(

Fire & skill

Vintage member
M - Series 1 - Phase 1 - Vin No. 101-5786

my bitch comes from Tochigi Factory, she was number 610 off the production line 8)


Active Member
You'll also find that the temperature controls are by cable in one, and by electric in the other, so the dash control units aren't interchangeable.


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