magnetic sumpplug


Active Member
Having a magnetic sump plug could mean the difference between new bearings or an engine rebuild. Get one dude, if not just for the peace of mind.


New Member
iv got one, very good imo but the washer provided is totaly the wrong size imo, will work but wrong size.


That thread said the guy stuck a magnet to his oil filter, surely the oil filter would catch the particles? Or am i missing something?


Staff member
That thread said the guy stuck a magnet to his oil filter, surely the oil filter would catch the particles? Or am i missing something?
That has always seemed a smarter idea to me that having a magnetic sump plug; catching and keeping them in the filter rather than the sump.

I think you could achieve that by just sticking a rare earth magnet on the outside of the filter, but bare in mind it will only ever collect ferromagnetic material (so no plastic, aluminium, non-magnetic steel, etc).


Staff member
I have always used couple of Neodymium magnets ( one just stuck to the inside of the sump and one on the oil filter. If you think about it your only going to pick up microscopic particles of material from the steel engine parts as the bearings are made of non magnetic copper and lead but it is always quite surprising as you'll always get a thick black metallic sludge stuck to the magnet on the inside of the sump so god knows what the one stuck to the oil filter collects.


New Member
the whole Idea of a Mag plug is to indicate ware is happening in your engine and not to catch all the bits of metal (thats the filters job). I use them every day in aircraft to give us an early indication of engine component ware. basicly you will expect to see small particals and black crud this is normal ware. the only time you need to worry is if you see particals larger than 1-2mm this can be a good sign of component ware (or if the engines new then bedding in ware)

The whole idea that the debris will build up then enter the engine in one large lump is nonsence as it'll have to pass through the course sump filter then the fine engine filter before it enters the pump.

Mag plugs are a great idea just dont worry unless you see anything big8)