Rattle on start up, worried help please


New Member
Okay guys so this is my first r, and I have noticed that when I start it from cold there is a strange rattle noise :-/ now I could be being totally paranoid but I would like someone to hopefully clarify if it is just a pulsar thing or if something is wrong.

I really don't know much about these engines or the car it's self tbh so looking for some help from someone who does.

The rattle lasts for literally around 2 seconds and after that there is nothing. The car itself drives really well and pulls really hard and There is no other sign of this noise at all when I'm driving it.

Any help is greatly appreciated



New Member
Is it a chain rattle? if so try new n better oil. or check oil level.
If its not that then not sure as you have not described what it sounds like.


Staff member
That sounds like the noise of cams running without the oil squirters to me; once the pump has moved oil into them it goes away? - You'll probably find it does that more if you've left it standing for a long time. I noticed it when mine hadn't been started for a week or so, but not so much if it was started a day ago.

A bit like this?


New Member
Is it a chain rattle? if so try new n better oil. or check oil level.
If its not that then not sure as you have not described what it sounds like.
I'm really not to sure how to describe it buddy :-/ it has been doing it for a few days, I did an oil change yesterday and used some 10w 50 fuchs titan pro race s

It's not like a heat shield sort of rattle tho it sounds a lower tone than that if that makes any sense?
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New Member
That sounds like the noise of cams running without the oil squirters to me; once the pump has moved oil into them it goes away? - You'll probably find it does that more if you've left it standing for a long time. I noticed it when mine hadn't been started for a week or so, but not so much if it was started a day ago.

A bit like this?
Where I use it most days I havnt really had chance to leave it to sit for a while to see if it is worse, if this is the case is it just a pulsar thing or is it a bad thing!?!


Active Member
If it's the noise I'm thinking of, both my pulsars have done it. I don't know what it is mechanically, but as far as I know its a standard pulsar noise


Active Member
If it is chain rattle on start up a new chain tensioner will normally cure the noise.

I also beleave the new chain tensioners are a slightly different design than the stock gtir tensioner,and are not quite as pron to this problem.
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Staff member
Where I use it most days I havnt really had chance to leave it to sit for a while to see if it is worse, if this is the case is it just a pulsar thing or is it a bad thing!?!
If that's the noise you hear, it's nothing to worry about; as I said, it will do that until the oil is all the way to the top of the engine again.

If that's not the noise you hear, why not post a recording? You'd be surprised what some of the people on here can recognise.


New Member
mines does it, its just noisey cams until the oil gets to the top of the engine, normal imo, lasts about 1-2 seconds and then its silent.


New Member
I only ever got it when using cheap oil. My Pulsar only ever done it ones.
I was told its about the oil getting to the top.


New Member
If that's the noise you hear, it's nothing to worry about; as I said, it will do that until the oil is all the way to the top of the engine again.

If that's not the noise you hear, why not post a recording? You'd be surprised what some of the people on here can recognise.
I will get a recording next time I start it to show you guys what it sounds like. But thank you for all your up till now has really put my mind at ease a bit :)

How do I go about posting a recording on the forum dude if you don't mind me asking? Is it the same as to how I would post a picture?


Staff member
How do I go about posting a recording on the forum dude if you don't mind me asking? Is it the same as to how I would post a picture?
First host it somewhere (YouTube for example, but it doesn't have to be).
Second click on the little icon of a film strip ("insert video"); you don't need to post code, just the URL and the tags will take care of the rest.


Its just the oil getting to the top of the engine if it last longer than a second or two then you have a problem if not dont worry about most of my pulsars have done it. When you car is left over night all the oil drops well most of it so when you start it up it needs a second to push it to the top. :)