Went to get my R out of hibernation yesterday...


Active Member
Its been in storage for the last 18 months.

Opened up the garage door and there was that nostril staring at me, and I remembered how much I both loved and hated the little shitbox :lol:

Connected up the battery box and the engine fired first time, no problems at all but the smell of fuel was a little on the strong side so figured it must be over-fuelling. Unfortunately I also had 4 flat tires, which wasn't ideal :roll: Pulled the car out of the car and noticed that there were drips of fluid on the floor... was it coolant, oil? :roll:

Opened up the bonnet and there was the source of the leak, with petrol pissing out of a cracked fuel hose :doh:

The Nissan Pulsar GTI-R, the only car that can break itself whilst in the garage :roll::lol:

Anyway, it should be back on the road anytime now... within the next 5 years... or maybe longer :lol:

Fire & skill

Vintage member
Lol, my lancia was exactly like that!! I even left it for 6 months, started it up and the water pump started leaking, even worse the cambox gaskets leaked.


Active Member
:lol: I've got all the settings to get it back to 317bhp which will do me for now, can't be arsed with the old 400bhp dream game ;)

Should hopefully be on the road in about a month, need to do a bit of work on it and sell my 350 first.

You still got a pulsar stu?


Staff member
Well done Paz. You'll have yours back on the road before me if you keep this momentum up ;-)

Welcome back and good luck with the fuel problem


Active Member
Cheers Jim, fuel issue is now fixed, which is nice :lol:

Drove it over to a mates workshop earlier in the week and there it will stay while we do a few gaskets and other maintenance type activities.

Should be back annoying the neighbours within a month or so depending on how long it takes to sell the 350.