new look


New Member
Our racing events are starting late this year so took the liberty to change the look.

Old look

New look :p

I changed the colour mainly for two reasons.
1) the matt black colour was a heat magnet and with temperatures of 30Deg C. After an hr, you could not keep your hands longer than 3sec. Racing with a 3 layer racing suit, gloves, collar and helmet with windows shut closed was making it even worse.

2) You cannot polish or touch up matt colour as you will end up with patches of different shades.

Before anyone starts commenting about having the bonnet still in black and would increase heat soak bla bla bla. I have also painted the bonnet from matt black to a slightly shiny black colour (not gloss though). Also the car still needs a polish to get a smooth shiny white.

I have ordered some decals to go with the new look but i doubt they will arrive in time for the first race which is on the 1st May :roll:


looks very nice.

good luck with your racing season, i hope you do kick some arse.

is their much pulsar's down in malta???


New Member
Hey Trip, I spent some time in Malta back in the day, (at RAF Luqa as it was then) - lovely hot sunny climate!
I can very well understand why you would want your car to be all white.
Good luck for the coming race season.


New Member
Thanks guys :)

is their much pulsar's down in malta???
As far as I know ,there is only 1 pure breed road legal, but there are a handfull of FWD with Sr20det 54C engines. I have 2 pure breeds (1 racing and another for parts) but not road legal.


New Member
took car for scrutineering yesterday and spared a minute to take some pics before putting it on the trailer.
