00sid- big spec


New Member
Wow, did not realise he has put it up for sale.
For those that don't know the car, was a regular a 10 of the best and good freinds with Kieron, and maybe a few other old skolo memebers.

Anyone know any other reason for sale apart from budget.
It's a shame that the BUDGET, issue is causing alot of Gti-r owners and preventing them from taking it to the next level.

Hurry up Red Reading and Vss, Pulsrabob and brigade.
Get something developed to stop the decline of the Gti-r or produce something to keep the cars alive, be it engine, gearbox, lighter, or stronger components.

Anyway here is the car.


P.s Bob don't even think about it......


there not declining, weve put more back on the road in the last year than weve broke and will continue to do so!

the only ones which are declining are the big powered cars and thats simply because people will not pay what they are worth so the sensible thing to do is break them and put back to standard where you then open the market up for sales to europe as they have big difficulties registering modified road cars there.
too many gtir's have been butchered over the years and tbh its better for the cars image if they are in standard form as sales will indicate.

even dooies car which were in process of stripping will not be scrapped it will be put back to standard for someone else to enjoy and hopefully live on for years to come.
with rising fuel prices, insurance and running costs it makes perfect sense to do this, the days of the big powered cars are finished unless your minted and have money to burn, or unless you have a specific use for such vehicles.

as for si's car, i knew this was for sale ages ago but not for me im afraid!


Active Member
Hopefully get mine mapped in a month got 2 spare gearboxes and saving for a decent gearset so wont be no slouch, tbh its not that much money in real terms but on a pulsar i suppose it is :/ looks like a nice car, almost a double of Dannys car or what it did look like


New Member
I noticed the Engine damper. Never seen one fitted to a Pulsar. Has anyone Else got one fitted?


Staff member
edited post

you said:

"for those that don't know the car, was a regular a 10 of the best and good freinds with Kieron"

like the car was good friends with Kieron :lol::lol:

nice motor though :-D