Parts from Rishi


Active Member
Spikey there are sometimes 2 consignment numbers on the parcels2go items for some reason.It might be you have been given the wrong one.I work for a company that delivers for them(used them myself plenty of times) and don't see why they do this.
Spikey there are sometimes 2 consignment numbers on the parcels2go items for some reason.It might be you have been given the wrong one.I work for a company that delivers for them(used them myself plenty of times) and don't see why they do this.

I put my parcel number in and it says nobody was at the premises Why arrange for collection if nobody is gunna be there !!!! Bet hes done the same to both of us didnt want to start a thread about Rishi but enough is enough £400 and he cant get to a computer to reply to my Pm's we are in 2011 not 1911 just wish i hadnt bothered now think its 5 weeks sunday when i sent the cheque, ive spent a bomb on my car trying to get it up to spec could do without people tucking me up along the way, i saved for weeks to get the money to replace the poxy standard ones thats whats annoying me could have had some from Bob but i had already sent the money :doh:


Staff member
I put my parcel number in and it says nobody was at the premises Why arrange for collection if nobody is gunna be there !!!! Bet hes done the same to both of us didnt want to start a thread about Rishi but enough is enough £400 and he cant get to a computer to reply to my Pm's we are in 2011 not 1911 just wish i hadnt bothered now think its 5 weeks sunday when i sent the cheque, ive spent a bomb on my car trying to get it up to spec could do without people tucking me up along the way, i saved for weeks to get the money to replace the poxy standard ones thats whats annoying me could have had some from Bob but i had already sent the money :doh:
I assume the cheque was cashed ages ago ? Rishi last logged in on Monday 28th so he wont have seen this thread yet... . . . send him another pm (applies to all who need to get hold of him) and give him an opportunity log in to see this thread and go from there.
Yeah he cashed it around 3 weeks ago ive already Pm'd him he should be on here soon i hope anyway Thanks for everybodys help and advice :thumbsup:


New Member
Well the email i got from him was different. and said it been posted with Citylink but the one he sent is not working or maybe its the site i dunno. But if he sent it Monday, im sure i should have it by now:( unless its not been picked up at all :(


Staff member
Well the email i got from him was different. and said it been posted with Citylink but the one he sent is not working or maybe its the site i dunno. But if he sent it Monday, im sure i should have it by now:( unless its not been picked up at all :(
Phone CityLink on 08444 930 932 they can track a parcel using either the Consignment No. or your postcode, then you'll know the situation.


New Member
This is what City link says...

Date Time Message 28/03/11 13:46
Collection cancelled at the request of the City Link account holder. 28/03/11 13:39 The premises were closed when the driver attempted to collect these goods. 28/03/11 00:17 The collection Depot has received your instructions and a driver has been scheduled to make the collection.

So guess its not even been picked up yet :(
This is what City link says...

Date Time Message 28/03/11 13:46
Collection cancelled at the request of the City Link account holder. 28/03/11 13:39 The premises were closed when the driver attempted to collect these goods. 28/03/11 00:17 The collection Depot has received your instructions and a driver has been scheduled to make the collection.

So guess its not even been picked up yet :(

Thats what mine said


Active Member
Jim, no idea why it was done like that.I was just trying to give an option of what might have happened.I don't work for citylink though(parcel2go use several different delivery firms) so their process is likely different to ours.
Jim, no idea why it was done like that.I was just trying to give an option of what might have happened.I don't work for citylink though(parcel2go use several different delivery firms) so their process is likely different to ours.
I understand mate dont know why some one would call a courier to collect a parcel when nobody is gunna be there, unless he thort he would give a tracking number to keep us quite for a while i dont know.....


Active Member
Haha you'd be surprised.About 25% of people who book a collection aren't in and 40-50% of people who order a parcel aren't in either.

Fast Guy

Staff member
and 40-50% of people who order a parcel aren't in either.
Do you mean the people waiting on a delivery? I tend to miss most of mine as I can't just take time off work and sit at home waiting for something that I don't even know what day it's coming. It would be nice if delivery companys worked a late afternoon/evening shift so everyone was at home for their delivery.:-D


Active Member
Yeah Carl, but if you employ 2 shifts then delivery will cost twice as much ;).Personally I think it would be nice if people just had their stuff delivered to an address they know someone will be in-I manage it ok :p.

Fast Guy

Staff member
I was just thinking the one shift, say from 4pm - 12am or 3-11.;-)

Can pretty much guarantee any white goods I've sat at home for an 8-1pm delivery have come way after 1pm, so a wasted day for me.


Staff member
I try to get it delivered to work, which is fine until they try for a weekend delivery and there's nobody there. :doh:


New Member
delivery is not the Issue. How daft do you have to be to book it your self not once but twice and still miss it ...


Well-Known Member
Im waiting on a turini bonnet :(
I got a card left the other days saying I wasn't in so they couldn't collect, But Rishi hadn't told me they where coming and I was at work on a training cause this week. Normally I'm in most days so it was just unlucky.

Your bonnet is in my back garden mate so it's not coming to any harm unless my new puppy shits on it lol.
