Thats it im out

Empty Pockets

New Member
Get a list up of what you need to fix it mate, if you decide to repair it and keep it i might have a few bit's you can have as i'm going to scrap the shell on my project car, i have a bonnet and probably a load of the little bit's you need like rad hoses etc, don't want anything for it mate.
Obviously can't expect this from the traders as it's their bread and butter , but it would be nice if all the members with odds and sods lying around could chip in and help when other members had shity luck like this, nothing self inflicted like, say if someone had their car broke into etc, not 'i was drifting down mickey d'zzz an hit a curb' ' accidents '.
Anywho, get a list up an i'll tell you what i have.


New Member
Thats a couple of sad pics you got there. I can't imagine myself seeing my own car flaming. But as others said.. Don't give up.. You do not seem to have lots of damage there. Luckily your Oil/Beer catch tank is still in one piece :)

I am assuming that by the time your oil pressure lit on the dash, it was already too late to prevent it. Without wanting to bring it up again, was the jubilee broken or the pipe sliped out with jubilee still intact ?


New Member
Thanks guys your comment mean a great deal, never felt such kindness to be honest :) I will close the garage door and come back in a few days so thanks for the good advice there. How many times will i do this on the bloody car tho? (lol)

In answer to your question Trip, the hose slipped off. I was dubious about weather or not they would take the pressure in the first place so took it very easy when i fitted them first but after giving the engine a bit of a pasting for a cpl weeks they seemed fine so today i secured them up properly making a bracket from the spark plug cover holes to hold the bottom end down but i think the vibration gave it that push it needed for the pipe to fly off under the pressure due to the point i secured it. Maybe it would have held out if i didnt secure the cooler down but who knows, so i would certainly recommend mounting at the front away from danger to anyone now......or use the correct fittings of coarse

see you in a few days :)


hi brett

thats a real shame, to see a good car go to waste. puts a tear to my eye???
i really do hope you think about this, as it's not at all worse breaking.

if you decide to do a insurance claim, it will be a Real pain in the arse as you have not stated your mods, as most insuance companie's take a close look up at jap imports to see the right status

vss irvine

Well-Known Member
ill donate any standard enginebay parts you need if you decide to keep it,

get it stripped back and youll feel better about it.


Active Member
Gutted for you. :cry:

Hopefully once you've stepped away and then had a second look it won't be as bad as originally thought.

Where are you based?


Active Member
Make a list of the parts you need and see who can help out.I've got odds n sods in the garage and I'm sure plenty of others have too.

BTW if you don't declare your mods to the insrance company you may as well not bother having any in the 1st place as they won't pay out.


New Member
They wont pay out for you, or your 3rd party .. consider this scenario.

Engine fire at high speed, boils brake fluid rendering brakes useless, you hit someone worth a few bob and they claim for loss of earnings. Your insurance company isn't paying a dime to you or the 3rd party.