Anniversary stickers??


Active Member
Every club member had one in there envelope that i handed out..
Im going to be sending back the stickers to Steve in the next few weeks.. i think he will then sell them...:cry:


Staff member
As said all paid members that bought an Anniversary meet JTS ticket and went to the meet will have had a sticker included for free in the envelope with there ticket.

They were also being sold on the day for £3 each.............

The idea was to try and make them limited edition, for sale on the day only kind of thing but it would appear that quite a few people that went to the event missed the opertunity to get one.

Not exactly sure how many but we do have a few left over from the day, so once I know how many we have I will post a thread in the club news section, so those that did miss the opportunity can get one on a first come, first served basis and they will be £3 still.



Active Member
Mr Pudney
Being aussie's, it was a bit far to travel to the meet however, we would like to request one (Two if they can be spared) of the lovely Anniversary stickers.
If you decide to charge us a bit more for being 'down-under' then we can cope with that.
Also we will pay postage, if you let us know how much.
Yours in R World
Wendy and gaz


Staff member
Mr Pudney
Being aussie's, it was a bit far to travel to the meet however, we would like to request one (Two if they can be spared) of the lovely Anniversary stickers.
If you decide to charge us a bit more for being 'down-under' then we can cope with that.
Also we will pay postage, if you let us know how much.
Yours in R World
Wendy and gaz

Why would we charge you more for being Aussies :lol: they'd be £3 GBP and what ever postage.

To save on the postage, why dont you ask about on the OZ forum and see if any other members want one.



Active Member
jebus some of the aussie's are super quick, I hadn't even replied to your post and they were PM'ing me for orders, wow.

As I said, I will post up and see where we go from there.

vss irvine

Well-Known Member
tbh im very busy with work .. so it looks like i will have to hand them over at the next show that myself and steve attend,,
steve doesnt exist.....

same as rishi......

surely a chairman would come to shows and especially a 20th anniversary?


Active Member
Hey Steve

I have done a quick ask around in oz and so far have 28 responses if only single items are obtainable and 53 if the want value is added.

It appears however, that there may be a bit of animosity about selling them as I do understand that they were for those who attended the UK meet.

If it pans out that sale is not to progress then I would have another request.

Would it be possible to get a copy of the artwork with the following change, where the GTI-R logo is we would change it to GTI-ROZ logo as like the header on the oz forum.

Let me know your comments and outcome.



Active Member
Hey Steve

I have done a quick ask around in oz and so far have 28 responses if only single items are obtainable and 53 if the want value is added.

It appears however, that there may be a bit of animosity about selling them as I do understand that they were for those who attended the UK meet.

If it pans out that sale is not to progress then I would have another request.

Would it be possible to get a copy of the artwork with the following change, where the GTI-R logo is we would change it to GTI-ROZ logo as like the header on the oz forum.

Let me know your comments and outcome.

pm sent...


Staff member
Hey Steve

I have done a quick ask around in oz and so far have 28 responses if only single items are obtainable and 53 if the want value is added.

It appears however, that there may be a bit of animosity about selling them as I do understand that they were for those who attended the UK meet.

If it pans out that sale is not to progress then I would have another request.

Would it be possible to get a copy of the artwork with the following change, where the GTI-R logo is we would change it to GTI-ROZ logo as like the header on the oz forum.

Let me know your comments and outcome.

pm sent also ;-)