Photo of underneath of engine bay


New Member
Bit of an odd request, but I'm just wondering if anyone has a photo to hand of the underside of the front end of the pulsar. Ideally with the gearbox, transferbox, front pipe in the photo.



Active Member
Sorry for the off topic......

But I also have that aluminum spacers ...but when I am mounting those that yellow polibush is not staying in the correct postion.

That meaning that the spacer is inaccurate and I can't tighten the bush.
If I am taking those bushes out then the bushes can be tightened dowon really good.

Any ideas????


Staff member
How'd you know it would be me?

Those spacers are for the Whiteline castor kit; the bushes are elliptical, so the spacers are needed to shift the mounts to account for it. If they don't fit I'd guess they're not around the right way or something. - I don't know if the bushes are specific to one side or the other, but they are to which is the front and back of them. Do they fit if you put the mounts in the other way around (I can't remember if the tabs on the end should face in or out; I think it's in)?



Are you jacking up your R on the chassis rails? Tsk tsk! LOL! Seriously though, have you had them strengthened or anything to assist jacking? Coz at the minute my chassis rails look like a semi-crumpled piece of tin from when the previous owner(s) used them to jack-up the car.............

Just wondering,


Active Member

Are you jacking up your R on the chassis rails? Tsk tsk! LOL! Seriously though, have you had them strengthened or anything to assist jacking? Coz at the minute my chassis rails look like a semi-crumpled piece of tin from when the previous owner(s) used them to jack-up the car.............

Just wondering,
ouch yer mine are too :doh: not much too them it seems plenty of other places, on the sills aswell dont know what people use but splays and bends them all up


Staff member
Are you jacking up your R on the chassis rails? Tsk tsk! LOL! Seriously though, have you had them strengthened or anything to assist jacking?
not personally and no dave :)
i normally jack from the front or rear "garage jack points" myself (or the "safety stand" jack points if from the side)

hadn't noticed that in the pic actually :(
it was on a hoist at an exhaust shop when i was getting a dump pipe (turbo elbow) made a few years ago...

edit: last i heard ['08] - the chassis rails were still available from nissan and quite reasonably priced (~50 quid each for the front ones iirc)

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Staff member
I don't know about that, but I do know that if you crush them you fail your MOT and need to have new ones welded in... So it's well worth looking after them.


I do know that if you crush them you fail your MOT and need to have new ones welded in
Hmmmmmmmmm, if that's the case then I'll definitely need new ones welded in. I have a few pics of mine which I'll post up soon so you can laugh, but there must surely be a way to replace the OE ones with a thick bit of steel? I don't really care how it looks, so long as its stronger than stock, which to be fair wouldn't be difficult! If hardcore DIY replacements are not possible, does anyone have the part numbers for OE items?



Staff member
I had new box section bent-up and welded in. They count as being a structural mount for the ARB, so if they're crushed it's a failure on the basis that your suspension isn't securely mounted to the body. Mine now look a bit industrial because there's a lot of slag and waxoilyn stuff on them, plus I had to have my floor-pan hammered flat because someone had tried to jack the car up there and bent it. - Still, fixed now and I'll try to look after it for next year's!


Active Member
I had new box section bent-up and welded in. They count as being a structural mount for the ARB, so if they're crushed it's a failure on the basis that your suspension isn't securely mounted to the body. Mine now look a bit industrial because there's a lot of slag and waxoilyn stuff on them, plus I had to have my floor-pan hammered flat because someone had tried to jack the car up there and bent it. - Still, fixed now and I'll try to look after it for next year's!
mmmm industrial slags...


Staff member
They are the best kind.... cheaper than the ones you get in the Dog and Leopard!