Gaskets - where to buy etc

Al Mac

New Member

New turbo will be going on the car in the next couple of weeks hopefully (standard T28 affair) - can anyone recommend a good source for a gasket set (or where to get them individually if the kit's not available)?

So far as I can see I'll need the following:

Oil Drain gasket
Exhaust Housing gasket (between exhaust housing and elbow)
I/Cooler --> turbo gasket
Maybe turbo --> manifold gasket?

Anything I've missed? Cometic ones would be preferred I guess.

All help much appreciated :thumbsup:


Active Member
You disrespecting my manifold gasket lol?


why pay that when you can get the multi-layer nissan one for£24 , iv just done this myself, and you might aswell change all the studs and nuts ,so you dont snap the old ones like i did to one, then have to take it all back off again

i got the studs and nuts from my local motot factors , the studs were 95p each the nuts 25p

Al Mac

New Member
So it seems the proper Nissan ones are the best bet then...

I don't suppose anyone's got the part numbers to hand, or at least a definitive list of what I need to make sure I haven't missed anything?

Muchachas Gracias :-D

Al Mac

New Member
One more quick (and possibly stupid!!)Q - can the turbo be replaced without removing the exhaust manifold from the engine, or does the whole lot need to come off?


Active Member
just be easier to take the manifold off, not sure if you can with it on but mounting it back will be a bitch if imposible to, thats from my experiance though, just be carefull with the head studs :)


Active Member
easier to take the lot off but be careful with the BASTARD BOLT , i rounded it off, ended up having to drill through the nut,

you'd be better off changing all the head studs if they have not been done before , i snapped one and could potentially been a disaster but it came out pretty easy with a bolts extractor ,