Post removed ?


New Member
Well i joined here a few days ago and my first post gets removed:doh:. Am i not allowed to say i have fitted something before and recomend them ?. Seems to be this place has a few issues and is not keen on people being able to offer advise.A pm or something might of been nice saying something about why it was removed but that may be too much work:der:. Im building a tarmac rally car which is why i joined but at moment it doesnt look like i should of bothered and definatly glad i didnt pay if this is how newbies get treated.............Rant over


Well i joined here a few days ago and my first post gets removed:doh:. Am i not allowed to say i have fitted something before and recomend them ?. Seems to be this place has a few issues and is not keen on people being able to offer advise.A pm or something might of been nice saying something about why it was removed but that may be too much work:der:. Im building a tarmac rally car which is why i joined but at moment it doesnt look like i should of bothered and definatly glad i didnt pay if this is how newbies get treated.............Rant over
Maybe you posted in the wrong section??...This is the best place if you want to find anything about the GTI-R plus you won't find a better bunch of people on here ;)....Oh and welcome to the forum :lol:


Staff member
Can you give me more information on this post? I can probably find-out why it was deleted and tell you.
Rules breach would be my guess; were you advertising something or trying to sell as a non-paid member? Did you use naughty words?


Staff member
Update: Found a one line post in the "parts wanted area" that I've made visible again.

We actually moderate very little but we do see as our duty the need to protect members from bots/scammers/spammers and rogue traders.

The history of the Gtiroc is the person who developed the website left the club as he disliked the influence of traders and tuners.

Every thread went from a discussion on technical issues to, "I can do that, You need one of these mate".

It was and remains a contentious issue amongst the membership.

If a new users first post is selling something then it tends to set off a mods radar.

I know all the mods on here personally and most off those on the other gtir forums, we are all normal, relaxed people.

We are all volunteers and we are not perfect. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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geoff pine

Well-Known Member
It may just be that the person that removed it may have thought you where advertising this company or trying to sell there services:rolleyes:

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
It may just be that the person that removed it may have thought you where advertising this company or trying to sell there services:rolleyes:
Good point Geoff

Looking back at your user name and your 1st post it comes across as you are possibly selling your services.

Of course we have rules about traders and as your 1st post and username does suggest this might be the case; we’d like to find out the true nature of your presence it’s possible.

I would recommend that perhaps your 1st post should be a introduction about yourself so that we can all welcome you in :thumb: