Is there a part number for the rubber caps on the intake plenium


New Member
As above does Nissan stock the Rubber caps on the intake system on the Plenium!

if so what is the number for the little gits.

Cheers all


Staff member
Do you mean the little rubber "boots" that come from Steve Pudney's PCV removal kit, or do you mean the little "mushrooms" which cover the adjustment screws?
The obvious answer for the boots is that you need to buy them from Steve, the other ones are part no EDIT: actually I'm not sure about the part number, I found one that says "CAP CONNECTOR" but that doesn't sound right to me.
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Staff member
16267-D1710 = CAP-CONNECTOR

silly name but the pic looks right to me (for the rubber "condoms" that is - can't find those little round screw covers anywhere)



New Member
i have used very very thin pieces of silicone hose with screws in the top and a small zip tie around the bottom to keep on as mine kept popping off.