Help needed re: Turbo oil feed line


New Member
Ive just been tinkering with my engine today, its been out for a checkup and clutch problem, and Ive been slowly buftying all the bits up as I have gone through it :shock:

The rough aim is to have it looking nice and clean for now, thats how I like my engines, not too showy.

Anyway, I was refitting my exh manifold/turbo/elbow assembly today and struggled like a sod to get the banjo bolt into the block, as the rigid pipe was pushing the bolt to the left of the hole.

As its gone in (was fine with a few fingerturns) I think its cross threaded in the bock :doh: as its gone way too tight and is still proud of its seat. Out with the tap and die set and engine flush time then :doh:

I got to thinking about the problem, and as its nigh on impossble to get the turbo elbow off with the turbo in situ, I started playing with some aeroquip fittings and had an idea: fit a 90Degree swivel fitting into the block, loop the braided hose (to add length, so I can do up/undo the fitting after the turbo comes off, and before it goes on) and then feed the turbo with it!!

So, has anyone got an Idea (well, a factually accurate idea lol) what thread the block and turbo is? I think the turbo will be -6 (other cars I have done have been that) but will the block be the same? I have quite a few quip fittings kicking around I might be able to use to make something up.

Added bonus: my first bit of bling! shame you wont see it :lol:


Fast Guy

Staff member
I took my turbo elbow off in situ yesterday. It was an absolute doddle.

I just undid the 1 loose nut that was holding it on and took it off.:lol:

Good job I had plenty of spare nuts.

You can already get braided hoses to replace most if not all of the turbo pipes.